Paul Houston
Current Research
Bimolecular Reactions
Completed Projects
Complete List of Publications
Information for Prospective Graduate Students and Postdocs
Vector CorrelationsOur group was one of the first to recognize that correlations
between vector quantites, such as between the recoil velocity and the rotational vector of a product, could be
measured from Doppler profiles and could provide important information on dissociation dynamics.
The figure above shows some of the CO Doppler profiles from the photodissociation of OCS that first
led us to investigate this phenomenon.
- A brief slide show on the topic
- G. E. Hall, N. Sivakumar, P. L. Houston, and I. Burak, "Measurement of the
Angular Correlation between Recoil Velocity and Angular Momentum Vectors in Molecu
lar Photodissociation," Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 1671-1674 & 2771 (1986). pdf format
- E. M. Goldfield, P. L. Houston, and G. S. Ezra, "Nonadiabatic Interactions in the
Photodissociation of ICN," J. Chem. Phys. 84, 3120-3129 (1986).
- G. E. Hall, N. Sivakumar, R. Ogorzalek, G. Chawla, H.-P. Haerri, P. L. Houston, I.
and J. W. Hepburn, "Product Correlations in Photofragment Dynamics," Disc.
Farad. Soc. 82, 13 (1986).
- I. Burak, J. W. Hepburn, N. Sivakumar, G. E. Hall, G. Chawla, and P. L. Houston,
"State-to-State Photodissociation Dynamics of trans-Glyoxal," J. Chem. Phys.
86, 1258 (1987).
- P. L. Houston, "Vector Correlations in Photodissociation Dynamics," J.
Chem. 91, 5388-5397 (1987).
- G. E. Hall, N. Sivakumar, D. Chawla, P. L. Houston, and I. Burak, "Angular
Correlations between Recoil Velocity and Angular Momentum Vectors in Molecular
Photodissociation," J. Chem. Phys. 88, 3682-3691 (1988).
- N. Sivakumar, G. E. Hall, P. L. Houston, I. Burak, and J. W. Hepburn, "State-
Resolved Photodissociation Dynamics of OCS Monomers and Clusters," J. Chem.
Phys. 88, 3692-3708 (1988).
- G. E. Hall, R. Ogorzalek Loo, H.-P. Haerri, N. Sivakumar, G. K. Chawla, P. L.
Houston, D.
W. Chandler, J. W. Hepburn, and I. Burak, "Vector Correlations in the
Photodissociation of CH3I, OCS, and Glyoxal," Ber. bunsenges. Phys.
92, 281-288 (1988).
- G. E. Hall, N. Sivakumar, G. Chawla, P. L. Houston, I. Burak, I. M. Waller, H. F.
and J. W. Hepburn, "Photofragment Spectroscopy with Coherent VUV: Product
Correlations and Alignment," AIP Conference Proceedings 160,
1987 (Adv. Laser Sci. 2), pp 170-178.
- R. Ogorzalek Loo, C. E. Strauss, H.-P. Haerri, G. E. Hall, P. L. Houston, I. Burak, and
W. Hepburn, "Vector Correlations in the 157-nm Photodissociation of OCS and the
266-nm Photodissociation of Methyl Iodide," J. Chem. Soc. Farad. Trans. 2
85, 925-938 (1989).
- R. Ogorzalek Loo, H.-P. Haerri, G. E. Hall, and P. L. Houston, "Methyl
Rotation, and Alignment from a Multiphoton Ionization Study of the 266-nm
Photodissociation of Methyl Iodide," J. Chem. Phys. 90, 4222-4236
- C. E. Strauss, P. L. Houston, I. Burak, and J. W. Hepburn, "The 157-nm
Photodissociation of OCS," J. Chem. Phys. 90, 5364-5372 (1989).
- G. E. Hall and P. L. Houston, "Vector Correlations in Photodissociation Dynam
ics," Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem. 40, 375-405 (1989).
- P. L. Houston, "Correlated Photochemistry: The Legacy of Johann Christian
Doppler," Acc. Chem. Res. 22, 309-314 (1989).
- Bogdan R. Cosofret, H. Mark Lambert, and Paul L. Houston, "Two-photon Photodissociation of NO through Rydberg Levels in the 265-278 nm region: Spectra and Photofragment Angular Distributions," J. Chem. Phys. 117, 8787-8799 (2002). pdf format. A slide show is also available that discusseses this paper
This work was supported by

The Chemistry Division of the National Science Foundation