Paul Houston
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Information for Prospective Graduate Students and Postdocs
Bimolecular Collisions Energy transfer and reactive collisions are also important in a variety
of fields, including combustion, laser operation, and photonics. We explore this area in crossed beams
using product imaging to detect state-selected products.
The figure above shows images of crossed Ar + NO beams studie in the first-listed publication below.
- A. G. Suits, L. S. Bontuyan, P. L. Houston, and B. J. Whitaker, "Differential
Sections for State-Selected Products by Direct Imaging: Ar + NO," J. Chem. Phys.
96, 8618-8620 (1992).
- L. S. Bontuyan, A. G. Suits, P. L. Houston, and B. J. Whitaker, "State-resolved
Differential Cross Sections for Crossed-beam Ar-NO Inelastic Scattering by Direct
Imaging," J. Phys. Chem. 97, 6342-6350 (1993). pdf format
- P. J. Pisano, M. S. Westley and P. L. Houston, "The NO vibrational state distribution
in the reaction O(1D) +N2O = 2 NO," Chem. Phys. Lett. 318, 385-392 (2000).pdf format
- M. S. Westley, K. T. Lorenz, D. W. Chandler, and P. L. Houston, "Differential Cross Sections for Rotationally Inelastic Scattering of NO(X2 1/2,v=0,J=0.5,1.5) from He or D2 to NO(X2 1/2 ,J=2.5-12.5)," J. Chem. Phys. 114, 2669-2680 (2001). pdf format
- A. A. Dixit, P. J. Pisano, and P. L. Houston, "Differential cross section for rotationally inelastic scattering of vibrationally excited NO(v=5) scattered from Ar," J. Phys. Chem. 105, 11165-11170 (2001). pdf format
- P. O'Keeffe, D. Stranges, P. L. Houston and R. Di Santo, "Competing Sigmatropic Shift Rearrangements in Excited Allyl Radicals," J. Chem. Phys. 128, 151101 (2008). pdf format
This work is supported by the Department of Energy.
